Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Spring has arrived!

This is definately my favorite time of year. The guinea hens have laid a nest and one of them is diligently sitting on the eggs. Each day I anxiously check to see if there is any progress. Our kittens, born two weeks ago are an endless fascination. I have to be careful when I go upstairs to check on them to not lose track of time. They are starting to move around so much, crawling over each other and mock battling with their paws. Their mom, Mary, is taking such good care of them, their little bellies resemble tennis balls- they are so fat.
In Charlotte, the trees are in full bloom. I've never lived in a city that celebrates the blooming tree so much- they are everywhere- white, pink, yellow blossoms flying through the air and down the streets. Right now the yard is the only place I want to be.

2 comments: said...

Yeay! You are up and running! Glad. Yahoo for the guineas. Will be watching your blog! The pressure is NOT on. Ginger

laughsandclucks said...

THIS IS MY 3rd time trying:
I just love this!! It is such a wonderful idea & a great way to keep us posted on the wee ones & their progress. It's exciting to hear all about them. What a nice way to keep in touch! Love, MOM