Friday, April 30, 2010

Feeling like Julie Andrews

Springtime is my favorite time of year: just makes me want to burst into song with its delights. The weather is finally warm enough to get outside and do all the fall chores I put off until winter weather made them impossible. The ground is bursting into life, surprising me with reminders of flowers I had forgotten were planted there. This spring the flowers have gone insane. Things that have NEVER bloomed are covered with blossoms. All the rain in the winter must have done wonders for their root systems. Allergy sufferers everywhere in the city are miserable. I'm SO thankful my family has been spared.
I also love watching baby chickens hatch. Three of my hens have "gone broody"- meaning that they stay in a nesting box and try to defend the eggs they have laid with their life. If they manage to stay on the eggs for 3 weeks, then they are rewarded with babies and they will only return to laying eggs once the chicks are functioning well on their own. I have been taking the eggs from two of them, but one that I know was an attentive mama from last year, I have allowed to keep about 6 eggs. Should hatch in the next week or so. I plan on building her a nice private broody house to raise them in sometime this week.
Then it will be on to building a rabbit run so that the bunny can get outside too!

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