Saturday, November 22, 2008


The evening was progressing smoothly after a hectic day of errands. We had an hour and a half to get ready for piano recital. The kids were making themselves dinner, and I was working on making a batch of pumpkin cookies we were supposed to bring for after the recital. The kids were in their recital finery and we had half an hour to go as I slid the last sheet of cookies in the oven. The previous two sheets were cooling on the counter. I ran into the office to print out directions to where the recital was located. I came back and stopped, confused. Where were the cookies? Only crumbs remained. Oh, Emily must have put them on a plate to take to recital. Boy, she sure left a lot of crumbs. Well, Where is the plate? Nope. No plate. I look at my feet, and there is Roger. He looks up at me and burps. Oh NOOOO! BAD! BAD DOG!!! THOSE WERE MY COOKIES! Good thing I still had one sheet of cookies left. This time, I made sure to put them where he absolutely couldn't get at them.

P.S. If your Fifi suddenly turns up her nose at her dogfood, you might try pumpkin. My dogs, especially Roger, have gone nuts over the pumpkins I was processing. As I discarded the roasted peels, the dogs got into the chicken bucket and dragged them off to devour as quickly as a pig ear. Even got into a few squabbles over the skins. Then, when I left some of the roasted pumpkin seeds on the counter, Roger ate THEM. (And drug the Ziploc bag full of raw pumpkin seeds outside to devour at his leisure.) So, if your dog won't eat, roast up some pumpkin and watch the fun.